Social Media

It is the use of social media platforms and websites to promote a product or service.

What are the benefits of using social media for small businesses?

Reduce your media costs

Providing engaging content on social media can help you reach and expand your following. Social media is free, and if you choose to use social advertising, the cost is much less than traditional media.

Increase leads with organic traffic

When you claim your social media pages, it positively affects your ranking in search engine results. This helps your potential customers find you.

Serve your customers better

Customers often communicate with small businesses through social media. When you are engaged and responsive, you can provide better customer service.

Establish your brand message and voice

You can share your brand message and voice through your social media posts.

Interact with other companies

You probably know that you can connect with consumers through social media, but did you know that you can connect with other businesses as well?

Construye tu reputación en línea

Reputation management is important in business, especially online. Proactive interaction with your customers on social media increases engagement and your ability to receive positive feedback.

Likes in Social Media
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Increase in referral traffic

Our Solutions

Content Creation Monthly

Content Distribution on Social Media

(3 per week)

Administration of Paid Campaigns

The minimum advertising budget of $200 per month in addition to the cost of account management


Client testimonial

"It's really wonderful. Wow what great service, I love it! I am really satisfied with your company service. Man, this thing is getting better and better as I learn more about it."
Jessica Mudd
Platify Founder

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Increase in leads

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